President Abraham Lincoln offered a short but seminal vision of the past and promise of the United States in a speech known as the Gettysburg Address. The brief speech—just 272 words arranged ...
At the close of the speech Mr. LINCOLN was presented with several splendid boquets and floral wreaths. An immense cheer for LINCOLN and the Union was then sent up by the crowd, and the reception ...
Upon a wooden platform, set in a small, war-torn Pennsylvania town, President Abraham Lincoln stood before a ... poem as one of the most important speeches in American history.
Abraham Lincoln spent his birthday in Cincinnati ... In 1859, he made a series of speeches in Ohio campaigning to be the Republican candidate for president in the 1860 election.
Mounted cavalry troops lined the streets from the president-elect’s hotel to the Capitol, and sharpshooters stood on rooftops ...
But Gettysburg has also been a symbol of America’s commitments to freedom and democracy, thanks to the immortal speech that Abraham Lincoln delivered there on Nov. 19, 1863. Trump’s comments ...
Wayne L. Scott has been portraying President Abraham Lincoln for 26 years, sharing Lincoln's legacy with people across the ...
On March 4, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated for a second term of office. With the end of the Civil War in sight, and just six weeks before his assassination, Lincoln declared: ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809 in Kentucky ... In that atmosphere, Lincoln made a stop in Cincinnati on Feb. 12, where he gave a speech before a bipartisan crowd that sought to ...