In 2019, Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP had 238,226 park visitors. The Birthplace Unit is located approximately 3 miles south ...
The film explores the life of Abraham Lincoln, highlighting his humble beginnings as a poor farm boy in Kentucky, his limited formal education, and his self-driven quest for knowledge. It ...
The cover of 'Nance: A Girl of Color and Her Lawyer Abraham Lincoln,' a new book by Kevin Orlin Johnson. It details the case ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809 in Kentucky. He would go on to rank among the best presidents in U.S. history, and he still makes news headlines when referenced by today's politicians.
Abraham Lincoln grew up on the American frontier. Born in a log cabin in the wilderness of Kentucky on February 12, 1809, Lincoln moved to Indiana with his family when he was seven. The 14 years ...
Abraham Lincoln is often ranked as one of the United States’s most important presidents for his role in steering the country through the Civil War and his insistence on abolishing slavery ...