A 1915 silent film — thought to be lost forever — was discovered in a pile of old donations, now you can see this rare piece of history.
"He came up with a startled look on his face and said, 'Joe, I really think we've got something special here.'" In 2024, a ...
Abraham Lincoln made a stopover at Cincinnati on his way to his inauguration in 1861, just as the nation was falling apart.
Just in time for the Oscars. A coveted long-lost silent film about President Abraham Lincoln was recently discovered on Long ...
The film, discovered last summer in a basement archive, sheds light on early 20th century depictions of the Civil War and the ...
Abraham Lincoln had to eat, sleep and put money in the bank just like everyone else. Now you can see the transactions and bank movements he ...
Elon Musk, and the rest of the billionaires who fawn over Trump amount to a kleptocracy. We must stop the this madness.
“The first time I saw Abraham Lincoln ... This is a 33-year-old man.” Lincoln sometimes signed his letters to Speed with the affectionate line, "Yours forever, Lincoln." ...
A piece of film history missing for more than 100 years and thought to be lost forever was found on Long Island in New York ...
A 1915 silent film about Abraham Lincoln was thought to be lost forever before being found in a warehouse on New York's Long ...