“Abraham Lincoln: His Life in Print” is on view through December ... propel Lincoln’s run for higher office. “Lincoln comes out of the debates a more prominent figure in Illinois and ...
Phillip Stone, a Harrisonburg lawyer who has served as president of Bridgewater College and Sweet Briar College, holds an ...
Abraham Lincoln made a stopover at Cincinnati on his way to his inauguration in 1861, just as the nation was falling apart.
In this lesson, students will explore how Abraham Lincoln used the power of ... them using your classroom’s Internet connection. Print out and make one copy of the “Famous Quotes Handout ...
The only photograph of Abraham Lincoln in death almost never survived. When the assassinated president was laid out in his coffin ... The war secretary kept one print to himself, however ...
National Museum of American History Abraham Lincoln's Watch, around 1858 National Museum of African American History and Culture Photograph of James Brown, Civil War veteran, with a picture of Abraham ...
When Abraham Lincoln was preparing his speech for his second inaugural in 1865, historians think he cut the sentences and paragraphs from a printed draft and pasted them onto the copy he planned ...
Considered one of the nation's greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln remains a tragic historical figure, gunned down by an assassin just days after winning the nation's bloodiest war. A Republican ...