Abraham Lincoln embodied everything that’s great ... Communal sleeping was relatively common in the 1800s and did not always ...
More than 1800 people died that day ... asking students to conduct further research into the personal life of Abraham Lincoln and/or the inner workings of his administration.
President Abraham Lincoln’s influential legacy in the creation of Idaho will be celebrated on March 5 at the Museum of Idaho. The free event starts at 7 p.m. and commemorates the day Lincoln signed ...
Abraham Lincoln loved to eat—and he also wasn ... It’s worth noting that in the mid-1800s, bacon had a slightly different meaning. Today, this breakfast food’s defined as “cured meat ...
“Abraham Lincoln and his friend Joshua Speed ... noted that it wasn’t ‘unusual’ for men to share a bed in the 1800s when no other option was available. They also point to the fact that ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809 in Kentucky. He would go on to rank among the best presidents in U.S. history, and he still makes news headlines when referenced by today's politicians.
Portriat of American President Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865) (painted by George P. Healy, mid-late 1800s), Washington, DC, 1969. The portriat was one of three painted by Healy (sometimes spelled ...