A ritzy Manhattan townhouse with serious presidential cred is poised to list for $10.5 million. The 128 E. 38th St. gem, in ...
The former Manhattan residence of Abraham Lincoln’s granddaughter is set to hit the market for $10.5 million.
The cover of 'Nance: A Girl of Color and Her Lawyer Abraham Lincoln,' a new book by Kevin Orlin Johnson. It details the case ...
The film recounts the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln, focusing on his assassination at Ford's Theater on April 14, 1865, ...
Watch a video of the creative team behind 3 Summer of Lincoln discuss the process behind adding music to Abraham Lincoln's ...
Betty Gilpin is currently playing the titular character in the hit musical, which follows Mary Todd Lincoln in the weeks ...
Those with an interest in Abraham Lincoln and his family are invited to gather with attendees of The Lincoln Forum Symposium ...
President Abraham Lincoln’s influential legacy in the creation of Idaho will be celebrated on March 5 at the Museum of Idaho.