A 1915 silent film — thought to be lost forever — was discovered in a pile of old donations, now you can see this rare piece of history.
A 1915 silent film about Abraham Lincoln was thought to be lost forever before being found in a warehouse on New York's Long ...
Just in time for the Oscars. A coveted long-lost silent film about President Abraham Lincoln was recently discovered on Long ...
The 16-millimeter film is believed to be the only known surviving copy of "The Heart of Lincoln," a silent movie about the life of President Abraham Lincoln and American life during the Civil War.
"It's an amazing synchronicity," silent film devotee Alex Kirstukas, 32, told AFP. Chaplin, the legendary British comic actor and director, grew up in poverty nearby before beginning his career in ...
Emilia Fox has paid tribute to Silent Witness creator Nigel McCrery following his death aged 71. Nigel, a former police ...
On his journey he meets archivists, screenwriters, a silent film pianist and a veteran cinematographer to give an overview of how innovative and glorious the often forgotten early British silent ...
The 16mm film is believed to be the only known surviving copy of "The Heart of Lincoln," a silent movie about the life of ...