With empty juice bottles, cardboard boxes, tissue paper and lots of glue, students at the Belmont Community Center were ...
Lincoln County Schools will close early today ... will be made after road conditions are assessed. Fayetteville City Schools will also dismiss early, with Pre-K students leaving at 1:00 p.m ...
The Ashland City Schools Board of Education heard an update on the Lincoln Elementary School property at its board meeting ...
Columbus City Schools told families that there will be ... Celebrations grew to include Lincoln, who also had a mid-February birthday, and other presidents from throughout U.S. history.
Lincoln Public Schools and many other school districts canceled classes Wednesday after the city was hit with blizzard conditions overnight.
Former Fayetteville High School employee Chris Cagle has been charged with statutory rape following an investigation, ...
CANTON – Canton City Schools leaders want to pay homage to ... Superintendent Jeffery Talbert is recommending Timken and Lincoln as names for the yet-to-be-built elementary schools.
Council unanimously approved the $1,000 purchase of the lot along 11th Street that used to be home to Lincoln Elementary School on Tuesday.