Abraham Lincoln said goodbye to his friend for the last time as they left the meeting that afternoon. It was Friday, April 14 ...
On November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the ... Federal troops returned the fire. The Civil War had begun. Immediately following the attack, four more states -- Virginia ...
Yet the far-fetched quality of Trump’s boast about establishing peace in one day after years of war ... Abraham Lincoln might ...
Presidents Day offers a valuable opportunity to revisit Abraham ... of the Civil War and the adoption of the Emancipation Proclamation. And what was applicable to Lincoln’s Cabinet remains ...
Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War will be the topic of the next — and next-to-last — Trumbull Town Hall lecture. Louis Masur, a professor of American Studies and History at Rutgers University, will ...
On April 15, 1861, after Fort Sumter fell to Confederate Army forces, Pres. Abraham Lincoln issued his call to arms for ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809 in Kentucky. He would go on to rank among the best presidents in U.S. history, and he still makes news headlines when referenced by today's politicians.