Troopers of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, departed their encampment in Monterey, California, for five months of field duty.
WILKES-BARRE — City Cemetery was the site of a wreath-laying ceremony on Thursday afternoon, during which local United States ...
Booker. “Though often overlooked or forgotten, the United States Colored Troops were vital to preserving the Union during the Civil War. We must honor their legacy and ensure their service and ...
Thursday’s wreath-laying ceremony honoring local United States Colored Troops drew attention not simply to Black History ...
While white generals are often at the center of Civil War archival research, Black Civil War veterans and their families ...
Howard Lambert, the first African American president of the Brandy Station Foundation, has worked tirelessly to bring these ...
It commemorates the service and sacrifice of Black troops in Arkansas during the Civil War, focusing on the 1st and 2nd Kansas Colored Infantry Regiments. The museum's mission is to preserve the ...