If you're emergency preparedness plan is a bit of a disaster, the city of London offers a free two-day course with the basics ...
Spring is on its way, with the prospect of severe weather, including thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes, and floods.
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the National Weather Service are urging Hoosiers to take action now to be ...
Coming off one of the worst wildfire seasons in Oregon history, Pacific Power is stepping up its Wildfire Safety and ...
Kern County Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Services March is Emergency Preparedness Month, and the Kern County Office of Emergency Services and the Kern County Fire Department ...
Today marks the start of Severe Weather Preparedness Week, a time for the public to focus on staying safe from thunderstorm related hazards as they become more frequent in the spring and summer months ...
The first day of spring is just around the corner, and so are the chances of severe weather.
This week marks Severe Weather Preparedness Week in Illinois, coming alongside rainfall and thunderstorms as a season of ...
While the recent rain is not the reason for the awareness week, officials stress the importance of being prepared for future ...