A 1915 silent film — thought to be lost forever — was discovered in a pile of old donations, now you can see this rare piece of history.
The film, discovered last summer in a basement archive, sheds light on early 20th century depictions of the Civil War and the ...
With Taylor Swift singing songs about Clara Bow, audiences have turned their attention to the first days of cinema. But even the most hardened Swiftie might find themselves confused by a strange ...
Robert Eggers' 'Nosferatu' hit the box office with terrifying highs. Although the film has quite a lot of traction, I feel it ...
The 16mm film is believed to be the only known surviving copy of "The Heart of Lincoln," a silent movie about the life of President Abraham Lincoln.
Just in time for the Oscars. A coveted long-lost silent film about President Abraham Lincoln was recently discovered on Long ...
The First Silent Night introduces us to two impoverished children - Joseph Mohr and Franz Gruber - who grew up in Austria's cobbled streets and wooded villages. The hard years that shaped them ...