A 1915 silent film — thought to be lost forever — was discovered in a pile of old donations, now you can see this rare piece of history.
Presidents Day is Monday, Feb. 17. It honors the birthdays of Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln made a stopover at Cincinnati on his way to his inauguration in 1861, just as the nation was falling apart.
It’s been debated for decades - now President Trump has directed the Treasury Department to stop minting pennies. A historian says the move won’t diminish the legacy of Illinois’ favorite son, Abraham ...
Abraham Lincoln's wife was long attacked for everything from her spending to her lack of emotional restraint. But with two ...
Donald Trump has compared himself to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, even taking it one step further and placing him ...
Feb. 12 is Lincoln's Birthday, a legal state holiday in Connecticut. The post office will remain open, but entities like the ...
Abraham Lincoln had to eat, sleep and put money in the bank just like everyone else. Now you can see the transactions and bank movements he ...
Heavenly Father, please strengthen my faith with solid evidence so that I may truly live for Jesus.
Presidents Day is a federal holiday celebrated each year in mid-February to honor past U.S. presidents. Locally, it's part of ...
A 1915 silent film about Abraham Lincoln was thought to be lost forever before being found in a warehouse on New York's Long ...
Presidents’ Day is right around the corner in the United States, the day the nation pauses to celebrate the legacy of two ...