About no other American have so many words been written as about Abraham ... Lincoln on the Coming of the Caterpillar Tractor*. Every February sees a fresh flood of Lincoln Day oratory and verse.
not to mention standards of oratory. [Author’s note: For 15 years I taught a graduate-level course in executive communication and leadership. I held Dr. King’s speech and Abraham Lincoln’s ...
Abraham Lincoln made a stopover at Cincinnati on his way to his inauguration in 1861, just as the nation was falling apart.
When Abraham Lincoln was preparing his speech for his second inaugural in 1865, historians think he cut the sentences and paragraphs from a printed draft and pasted them onto the copy he planned ...
No better example exists than Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address (November 19, 1863), widely considered one of the two most consequential speeches ... his method (brief oratory paying tribute ...
Observer welcomes Louis Masur who writes and lectures about a range of topics including Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, the Founding Fathers, visual culture, and the history of Rock and Roll.