having been this day surrendered by General Robert E. Lee, CSA, Commanding said Army, to Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant, Commanding Armies of United States, do hereby give our solemn parole of honor ...
APPOMATTOX, Va . (WSFA) - April 9 marks the 159th Anniversary of the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse and Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s surrender of his 28,000 Confederate troops to Union ...
Grant than Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Lee was born the fourth child ... A week later, he surrendered what remained of his army to Grant at Appomattox Court House. After the war, Lee ...
Robert E. Lee has always been part of that solution ... Later, at Appomattox, Grant wanted Lee to sign surrender terms not just for the Army of Northern Virginia but for the whole Confederacy.
The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at the Jim Plyler Instructional Complex. Robert E. Lee High School was opened in 1958 as an all white school during a period of intense resistance to ...