But the result is the same: these children become targets and Rhea ... she decides to write something totally different: a science fiction book called Rused Robots. The book ends up taking off ...
These books by Stephanie Burgis, Michel Nieva, Koji A. Dae and Molly O’Neill show that even those who’ve been scapegoated as ...
Ruth Nadelman Lynn. Fantasy for Children: An Annotated Checklist. NY & London: R. R. Bowker, 1979. 288 + ix p. $14.95. R. Reginald, ed. Science Fiction and Fantasy ...
This trilogy breathes new life into science fiction in the 1990s. The first book in Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy (1993–1996), details the colonisation of Mars as an analogy to the ...
Our writers pick their favourite science fiction books of all time We asked New Scientist staff to pick their favourite science fiction books. Here are the results, ranging from 19th-century ...
Geoff Garnett has written, illustrated, and published 'From One World to Another', a story following the adventures of two brothers; Foggy and ...