A 1915 silent film — thought to be lost forever — was discovered in a pile of old donations, now you can see this rare piece of history.
The acclaimed short film A Silent Escape is set for its digital premiere on Chaupal, bringing its gripping story to a wider audience.
The 16-millimeter film is believed to be the only known surviving copy of "The Heart of Lincoln," a silent movie about the life of President Abraham Lincoln and American life during the Civil War.
Feb. 5 (UPI) --A 1915 silent film about Abraham Lincoln was thought to be lost forever before being found in a warehouse on New York's Long Island. Dan Martin, a summer intern at Historic Films ...
The cold, climate-controlled stacks at the Historic Films Archive in Greenport made the ideal place for film student Dan Martin to spend last summer as an intern: in a basement out of the heat ...
(Courtesy) A death-defying rescue; a robbery involving trains; a love triangle: the 1926 silent film “The Flying Ace” employs some of the most durable tropes in cinematic history. But it’s ...