As a cadet at West Point, young Ulysses S. Grant considered General Winfield Scott "the finest specimen of manhood my eyes had ever beheld," and admired his skills as a general. Nicknamed "Old ...
In the early morning hours of March 2, a local agency arrested Travis Winfield Scott for assault on emergency personnel and ...
Courtesy: Library of Congress Letter from Robert E. Lee to Winfield Scott, written two days after his meeting with Francis Blair where he refused command of the Union Army. In this letter Lee ...
In a campaign devoid of issues—for example, both parties endorsed the Compromise of 1850—Pierce defeated the Whig Party nominee, war hero Winfield Scott. Challenges: Franklin Pierce had to deal with ...
It was a gamble, but to Joe Tillotson and his investors (including Richard Winfield and Scott Cecil), anything would be better than what they were doing before: They were stuck in boring grown-up ...