Previous generations viewed trauma, and therapy, as being more shameful than we view it today. Social media has likely played ...
Dissociation can be a tool for navigating life’s demands, and it can foster adaptability when balanced. Too much or too ...
Simultaneous discoveries in art and science highlight humanity's shared creativity, problem-solving, and the ...
Just as death is inevitable, speaking with a child about death is an inevitable part of parenting. Parents often shy away ...
Anytime you say “you,” you’re pointing your finger at the other person. Saying “should” sounds like a command that usually ...
Anxiety can feel like a relentless storm, leaving you powerless and stuck in a whirlwind of worry. What if there was a ...
Paying attention to the present moment without judging that moment is called "mindfulness." Mindfulness is simple and it can ...
In sum, dark leadership can have different effects on employee and team creativity and innovation. Dark leadership can also ...
Aligning your life stories and embracing happiness, fulfillment, and meaning can lead to greater well-being and a deeper ...
Dissociation and narcissism are intertwined, both stemming from early trauma. Narcissists may dissociate vulnerable emotions, ...
New compelling research shows when cats play, these fun-seeking felines match one another’s faces to have fun, get along, and ...
Sometimes it is more helpful to be curious than guarded.