"Each time a pope takes ill, the winds of a conclave always feel as if they are blowing," Francis writes in his new memoir, referring to centuries-old tradition of cardinals gathering in the pope's official residence, the Sistine Chapel, after a pontiff's death to elect the next.
In Pope Francis' autobiography Hope he reiterates themes of his papacy like hatred of war and unchecked capitalism, and a desire for the Catholic Church to be seen as a field hospital, not a fortress.
The year 2025 is a Year of Jubilee: an event held every quarter-century that calls Catholics around the world to embark on a holy journey of faith and repentance. For some, that journey is a literal pilgrimage;
a desire for the Catholic Church to be seen as a field hospital, not a fortress. Though billed by the publisher as the first memoir by a sitting pope, it trails Pope Pius II's reflections on the ...
Luce carries symbols that have been associated with pilgrimage in Europe since the 12th century, particularly with the shrine of St. James in northwestern Spain.
One of this papacy’s more outspoken critics called on the faithful to ‘pray for Pope Francis that he might confirm the Church in the Faith.’
The Holy Father stressed that bearing witness to the incarnate love of Christ 'is our ecumenical vocation, in the communion of all the baptized.'
According to his research, the Catholic Church under Pius XII was instrumental ... The charity and work of Pope Pius XII during World War II so impressed the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli ...
Today, Andrew and Anne and their baby boy live on their 65-acre farm in western Pennsylvania, purchased a year ago, and have become heavily involved in restoring the Catholic Land Movement (CLM), a project that began in the early-20th century and received an apostolic blessing from Pope Pius XI in 1933.
Heidi A. Campbell, Texas A&M University The year 2025 is a Year of Jubilee: an event held every quarter-century that calls Catholics around the world to embark on a holy journey of faith and repentance.
The year 2025 is a Year of Jubilee: an event held every quarter-century that calls Catholics around the world to embark on a holy journey of faith and repentance.