这一天最初是为了纪念美国第一任总统乔治·华盛顿,自从1969年以来,这一天也向亚伯拉罕·林肯总统表达敬意。如今,这一天向美国的所有总统致敬。 把这一天当作特殊日子始于在2月22日庆祝 ...
林肯批评特朗普对学术界和人工智能研究的政策 ... 另请参阅 共和党人加入法案,以保护工人开枪后保护工人 President Trump最初在NIST的第一任期支持AI研究,但他目前的政府正在退缩资金和公私 ...
【2025年2月16日,北京】在林肯品牌入华新十年征程之始,全新一代林肯领航员区域品鉴会于花城广州盛大启幕。过去十年,林肯凭借卓越的发展速度 ...
而在3月7日,林肯汽车也正式官宣,即日起至2025年3月31日,冒险家以及林肯Z推出限时一口价均为18.88万元起。不过值得注意的是,该金额是用目前 ...
Presidents Day is fast approaching. Some in the nation will celebrate the highest office in the land on Monday but many are really looking forward to a long weekend and holiday deals. The holiday ...
As Americans gear up to celebrate Presidents’ Day on Monday, Feb. 17, they will be participating in a tradition that has lasted nearly 150 years. Presidents’ Day traces its roots to an ...
For many Americans, Presidents Day is a welcome respite from work or school, an opportunity for a winter getaway, or simply a chance to take advantage of holiday sales. But this is a day with much ...
Former and sitting presidents, vice presidents and their spouses attend former president Jimmy Carter's funeral n Washington on Jan. 9. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post) If ranking things ...
Presidents Day is Monday, Feb. 17. Federal offices will be closed for Presidents Day. The next holiday is right around the corner; Presidents Day, which also celebrates George Washington's ...
说起美系豪华品牌,我想林肯汽车算得上是其中具有代表性的车企之一了,长久以来,林肯汽车一直追求强大的操控性能以及行政质感和豪华用车 ...
Presidents Day weekend marks the first big savings event of the year, and according to our partners at Good Housekeeping, it's an opportune time to save on big-ticket purchases like mattresses ...