The self-taught artist Abraham Lincoln Walker worked in his basement on phantasmagorical paintings, discovered by the art world more than 30 years after his death.
Presidents Day is a federal holiday celebrated each year in mid-February to honor past U.S. presidents. Locally, it's part of ...
The walls of the Oval Office are adorned with portraits of presidents past, including the likes of George Washington, Thomas ...
Lincoln Land Community College's Jacksonville campus honored its namesake president's 216th birthday Thursday with a ...
It was Theodore Roosevelt — a lifelong admirer of Abraham Lincoln — who ordered the U.S. Mint to introduce copper pennies ...
This is the week we recall the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Although we don’t single out his birthday as a nation any longer, ...
When we think of the most legendary presidents our nation has had, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, ...
For all his modesty and wartime preoccupation, the 16th president was one of the most photographed men of his time, with a ...
It’s a question that has plagued historians and journalists for decades. Now, the perpetual debate has reared its head once ...
"I have lost this battle because my force was too small. The Government must not & cannot hold me responsible for the result . . . . I have seen too many dead & wounded comrades to feel otherwise than ...
That All Men Are Created Equal” features bills of sale, reward posters and more to explain slavery’s role in the Civil War, ...