Signs with QR codes are about to flood the streets of downtown San Jose — 92 of them to be exact. The city of San Jose’s ...
Several Bay Area cities have seen striking increases in areas deemed at high and very high risk of wildfire, new maps issued by state fire officials show. Cal Fire's Fire Hazard Severity maps for ...
It's been nearly seven years since water began accumulating in the crawlspace of Doug Ridley and Sherry Shen's condo — an alarming discovery that led to the uncovering of an abandoned artesian well ...
A small population of California burrowing owls is getting a helping hand when it comes to romance—from a team of devoted scientists.
San Jose Councilmember David Cohen spent Thursday and Friday at the Betty Ann Gardens apartments assessing damage. He said this week marks the second time major flooding has hit the area off Lundy ...
Nearly eight years to the day after major flooding displaced thousands in San José, officials celebrated the first stage of ...
The $117 million project from the district, a government agency based in San Jose, constructed flood walls and other features along 8,500 feet of Coyote Creek in a 4-mile stretch of the waterway ...
Residents in many apartments alongside a creek in San Jose woke up to water flowing into ... close to eight calls were made to city crews to monitor flood waters and clear debris, including ...
Until it hits your house, you'll never understand." – Lisa Rhines, San Jose flooding victim The Upper Penitencia Creek is prone to flooding during unusually heavy periods or rain. City officials ...
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO ... Valley Water and local lawmakers say they're almost done with phase one of the flood protection work along Coyote Creek. RELATED: Valley Water building steel wall ...