We prioritised toys that are fun as well as educational because the last thing a child wants is to feel that they’re getting extra homework: these games and ... maths and phonics notably improving.
They truly are our “silent senators” bowing down rather than representing the people of North Dakota and following the Constitution Richard Scharf is a resident of Fargo.
The current Republican administration, which feigned ignorance of Project 2025 prior to the election, is now fully engaged in implementing its agenda. There are several summaries of the document ...
I appreciated Alex Daniels’s article, “Silent, Defiant, Private: Big Philanthropies React to Trump’s DEI Order” (February 26). The nonprofit sector has been waiting for a response to President Trump’s ...
Why has Congressman John McGuire remained silent? Article I of the Constitution — especially section 9, clause 7 — clearly vests control over government spending with Congress, not the ...
Our elected representatives, Barrasso, Lummis and Hageman, stand silent as our current president, scorning constitutional limits, seizes powers Congress alone holds. Three weeks ago, when our ...
Columnist Julia Poggi tackles the culture of participation — or lack thereof — on campus. What causes this silence: nerves, lack of conviction, risk, or something much deeper?
Or to districts such as New Berlin and Cudahy, which didn’t wait for the state law to pass before embracing the phonics-oriented changes pushed by the state law. While more than $49 million of ...
In a Dear Colleague letter, Craig Trainor ... to terminate all “discriminatory and illegal” DEI programs and activities, though the administration didn’t clarify what would make them ...
One canceled contract was weighing how effectively Oregon schools spent taxpayer dollars that were set aside to improve reading instruction, by emphasizing phonics, vocabulary and other building ...
Let the Hip Hop Granny teach your class all about capital letters and full stops with this fun routine. This song is a great way to introduce or recap this topic and will get pupils energised.