The Idaho Legislature has passed a bill that would require all Idaho students to be proficient at reading and writing in ...
The auditorium at Marshall Middle School filled with eager sixth-grade students Friday afternoon to cheer on their peers as ...
The Idaho Legislature has passed a bill that would require all Idaho students to be proficient at reading and writing in cursive by the end of 5th grade. The bill will now be sent to Governor Brad ...
Why has Congressman John McGuire remained silent? Article I of the Constitution — especially section 9, clause 7 — clearly vests control over government spending with Congress, not the ...
President Donald Trump’s mode of operation is to flood our government with so many outrageous actions that it is difficult to know which is the worst. But convicted-felon Trump’s assault on ...
Editor: Nobody forgets that rotten buyer’s remorse feeling when somebody’s sold you a lemon. All that Wall Street cash poured into Pennsylvania to elect a hedge fund millionaire bought us ...
Our elected representatives, Barrasso, Lummis and Hageman, stand silent as our current president, scorning constitutional limits, seizes powers Congress alone holds. Three weeks ago, when our ...
She elaborated on the significance of this test by saying: "Bdpq are 4 letters that can be very confusing for someone with dyslexia. Were they confusing for you?" The task left many puzzled ...
Let the Hip Hop Granny teach your class all about capital letters and full stops with this fun routine. This song is a great way to introduce or recap this topic and will get pupils energised.
Dear Editor: The latest moves from the deal maker in chief continue the theme of one outrageous stupidity after another. Just examining foreign affairs, and only within the same 48 hours, President ...
North Elementary fourth-grade students took part in the annual day-long Kindness Retreat on Thursday, Feb. 27 at Johnson Hall ...