Scientists have created genetically modified mice with woolly fur, marking a step toward reviving the woolly mammoth.
Stem cell therapy is emerging as a promising treatment for blindness and eye damage, giving hope to those with severe vision loss.
The Byzantine Empire is not always recognised as the crucial link that connected the classical world with modern Europe.
Researchers say that over half of population will be obese by 2050 and will have severe consequences unless immediate action ...
Chaos erupted in the parliament of Serbia as opposition lawmakers set off smoke grenades and used pepper spray in a protest.
Stock declines extended beyond the U.S. The STOXX Europe 600 fell by 1.9%, and Germany’s DAX dropped by 3%. Japan’s Nikkei 225 lost 1.2%, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng declined by 0.28% in Asia. China’s ...
Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian announced he is joining a US bid to buy TikTok, as a strategic advisor for the purchase ...
Sosipatra, a Greek female philosopher and mystic, blended philosophy with divine insight, earning respect for her wisdom and teachings.
Researchers have uncovered the first Bronze Age settlement in Maghreb dating back to as early as 2200 BC, predating the Phoenician period.
New research in Sumerian Eridu, the oldest known city, has mapped thousands of canals and farms, shedding light on the ...
A genetic study traced the origins and expansion of Celtic languages, revealing their migration patterns to Western Europe.
Like something out of Stargate SG1, hieroglyphs lie hidden within a remote sandstone canyon in the deep bush of Australia—hoax or history?