To express the ambient feeling that "things are getting worse," there exists, of course, a meme. It plots iterations of a ...
MEDICAL LAKE – The Medical Lake Planning Commission delayed its decision on the proposed Ring Lake Estates development ...
MEDICAL LAKE – Two Medical Lake High School coaches were honored in a special assembly March 4, celebrating their induction ...
If there is someone who could properly role play the part of a coach arguing with an umpire to help illustrate how to diffuse ...
Mike and Shelly Spenger proudly hold the first buttercup of the year, found on their Grandma's property along Long Road in ...
CITY OF CHENEY ON CALL PLANNING SERVICES REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) The City of Cheney (City) is soliciting proposals for on-call planning services to supplement the city’s planning services and ...
A Cheney man accused of possessing and distributing child sexual abuse material remains in Spokane County Jail as of Feb. 27, with bail set at $200,000. His next court hearing is scheduled for Mar. 21 ...
NOTICE OF RECEIVERSHIP SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SPOKANE No. 23-2-05169-32 CITY OF SPOKANE, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, v. KYLE PATTERSON, property owner of 3628 E.
A fatal collision between a truck pulling a large trailer and an e-bike left a Cheney man dead early Sunday morning. Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputies, assisted by Airway Heights Police and Washington ...
The tide may be turning in the right direction for the four lower Snake River dams. I realize I’m applying a saltwater expression to a freshwater situation, but as the salmon at the heart of the dam ...
Reader appalled by Baumgartner social media I was absolutely appalled to see a smiling Rep. Michael Baumgartner post about his “good week” on social media just days after voting to approve a budget ...
Medical Lake High School cross country and track and field coach Gene Blankenship holds his WIAA Hall of Fame award in front of the school's trophy case. Blankenship, who has coached at MLHS since ...