Had it not been for a heated exchange with Abraham Lincoln, James Shields would be remembered as the only man to serve in the U.S. Senate from three different states.
The cover of 'Nance: A Girl of Color and Her Lawyer Abraham Lincoln,' a new book by Kevin Orlin Johnson. It details the case ...
I have often thought Woodrow Wilson was our worst president after Abraham Lincoln. By worst, I mean least faithful to the Constitution and most destructive of personal liberty. Except for Lincoln ...
But Gettysburg has also been a symbol of America’s commitments to freedom and democracy, thanks to the immortal speech that Abraham Lincoln delivered there on Nov. 19, 1863. Trump’s comments ...
Yes, I am that old. We celebrated Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on Feb. 12 in those days, too. My first-grade teacher in Reliance taught us that those dates were the actual birthdays of the two ...
It's been a long time since Abraham Lincoln boys wrestling has had as good a season as they had this year. But they're far from finished, head coach Adam Manz says. The Lynx had their first state ...
With Abraham Lincoln’s 216th birthday Feb. 12 and Presidents’ Day Feb. 17, the lives of previous U.S. presidents can provide not only insights into present issues, but also timeless lessons in ...
but he has done more than any prior president to forestall the outcomes tied to the specific warnings of Presidents’ Day heroes George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Advertisement Washington ...
Among the names on Parke-Bernet’s mailing list was that of the Abraham Lincoln Association, of Springfield, Illinois, whose secretary, upon scanning his copy of the catalogue, noted three ...
Forty-five feet below the iconic sculpture of former president Abraham Lincoln is the sketch of a ... Doodles of the cartoon characters Mutt and Jeff, and a figure believed to be President Woodrow ...
Presidents Day offers a valuable opportunity to revisit Abraham Lincoln’s leadership lessons on the conciliatory exercise of authority over subordinates, including those who have in the past ...
Presidents Day is an appropriate time to remember and reflect on the vision that President Abraham Lincoln had for this country. In his Gettysburg Address, which he delivered in November 1863 ...