A 1915 silent film — thought to be lost forever — was discovered in a pile of old donations, now you can see this rare piece of history.
Abraham Lincoln had to eat, sleep and put money in the bank just like everyone else. Now you can see the transactions and bank movements he ...
Excitement over discovering the very old movie soon led to the harsh reality that someone would actually have to watch it.
For its free Feb. 12 program, Montgomery Township Historical Society asks fans of local history: Is Hancock's birthplace ...
Abraham Lincoln made a stopover at Cincinnati on his way to his inauguration in 1861, just as the nation was falling apart.
An Abraham Lincoln historian who’s working on a documentary about the Great Emancipator’s Funeral Train will give a talk to ...
Historians consistently rank Abraham Lincoln as the greatest U.S. president. Without his leadership and political brilliance, ...
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) invites the public to remember President Lincoln’s birthday this month with free events at state historic sites around Illinois including Vandalia.
Discover the hidden gems of Illinois, including its diverse landmarks and rich history. Explore the Land of Lincoln.
Discover the hidden gems of Illinois, including its diverse landmarks and rich history. Explore the Land of Lincoln.
All across Illinois, state historic sites are celebrating Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. The Illinois Department of Natural ...
Several historical sites with ties to the 16th president are marking his birthday on Wednesday with special events.