When global powers chant never again after atrocities, we must ask: do they truly mean repentance, or do they mean never again without profit? Belgium's colonial strategy had one objective: relentless ...
Washington announced its decision to suspend military aid three days after a clash in the Oval Office between Donald Trump ...
Avowed Shatterscarp map - Totem Fragments, Treasure Maps, Fast Travel Beacons, Party Camps, Quests, Bounties, Companion, Merchants, Adra, Chests, Illusion Puzzles ...
There's a new Artificer subclass in town. But for a subclass all about making maps, it sure does teleport around an awful lot ...
What are the best weapons in Avowed? If you’re constantly changing out your weapons or finding new gear and you’re not sure which direction to take your build in, we’ve put together a list ...
Ukrainian forces have destroyed a North Korean ‘wonder weapon’ for the first time, Kyiv’s military said. The Nemesis 412th Regiment said that one of their drones had hit a North Korean M ...
While you're in the area, you should also tick off the last Mapping the Living Lands cartographer locations to save you a second trip. Head to the Ash Forest Outpost and turn to the right to go ...
Depending on which of the builds you've selected, choosing the right weapons that suit a particular style of play is key to dealing the most damage in the heat of battle. Each weapon can be ...
"The oil weapon alone will not win the war in Ukraine, but it might just have brought Vladimir Putin to the bargaining table," Rebecca Grant of the Arlington, Va.-based Lexington Institute told ...
Track down the lost cartographers for Sanza across each region. Once you leave the (relative) safety of Claviger’s Landing in Dawnshore for the first time in Avowed, chances are you’ll meet ...