Martin Luther King Jr.’s bold quest to fight for peace across the nation and for all people to be treated equally led to the Civil Rights Movement. Although his acts of selflessness cemented his name ...
The acclaimed Martin Luther King Jr. biographer will give a talk as part of the Boxser Diversity Initiative's Building ...
The preacher and civil rights activist tells us that we can all live and work together to make society a better place.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a U.S. holiday and national day of service. It took a long time for the country to get there It was first proposed four days after King's 1968 assassination outside a ...
Historian Vicki Crawford was one of the first scholars to focus on women’s roles in the civil rights movement. Her 1993 book, ...
As a college president who is passionate about expanding access to education, I don’t have all the answers right now. But I ...
50,000 gather for commemoration of 30-foot statue on National Mall President Obama says Dr King 'stirred our conscience' and made our Union 'more perfect' Credits the civil rights leader with ...
A staunch champion of pluralism, he was described in Time magazine as “the most influential living interpreter of religion in ...
From art galleries to concert halls, arts organizations in Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties are keeping busy in March ...