It comes up in movies, too: classic films like Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" (1927) or Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" (1982) or more recent ones like "Her" (2013) and "Ex Machina" (2014) or that HBO ...
NASA compiled a list of the most scientifically accurate science-fiction films ever made. At the top? Gattaca (1997), a ...
Since the days of silent black and white films, directors have been conjuring doomsday stories of robots wreaking havoc on ...
If I close my eyes, I can hear the once iconic Skype ringtone: "Da DA-da, do-do DO do." It was the sound of communication and ...
An exhibition features nearly 300 pieces, including illuminated books from the Middle Ages, sculptures, and videos by ...
Batman has had several seminal stories at DC Comics, which haven't just been told within the confines of his monthly comic ...
In this short essay, Walter Metz explores the emotional resonance of Star Trek, as the world prepares for the release ofStar Trek Into Darkness.
Elephant & Piggie’s “We Are In A Play”: 10 a.m. and noon Thursday and Friday, March 6-7, at the Metropolis Performing Arts ...
It was in part inspired by the robot Maschinenmensch Maria from the film ‘Metropolis’ (1927) and Queen Elizabeth I. In the final section, Hyperreality, objects on show demonstrate how Wood plays with ...
It was the realization of a dream that stretched back to 1927's Metropolis and the 1960s cartoon of the future The Jetsons. I'll miss Skype, its dial-in sound, and even the name. Maybe Microsoft ...