Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, have studied the impact of two brain areas on the nature of memory content. The team from the Department of Neurophysiology showed in rats how the ...
The research team at the Atapuerca archaeological sites in Burgos, Spain, has just broken its own record by discovering, for ...
Geological resources such as critical metals and minerals, essential for the diffusion of technologies such as renewable ...
Ukrainian forces are under intense pressure in Russia's Kursk region, where they grabbed a chunk of land last August and have ...
The Neolithic period began in southwest Asia around 12,000 years ago. It marked a major shift in human history as societies ...
The America-class amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli is replacing the first-in-class USS America at Sasebo Naval Base in Japan as the forward-deployed amphibious flattop in the region.
Examine and learn to address urgent global issues like climate change, migration, geopolitics and urban development from a human and physical geography standpoint ... or restricted to specific ...
Blox Fruits’ Human is one of the starting races in the game and is by far the one you’re most likely to get when you first spawn into the game, meaning you’re likely to belong to the same group as ...
About this study. Find religious data by metro area, state or region (Midwest, Northeast, South or West), or for the whole United States. Select a state or metro area dot to get religious information ...
There’s something truly special about living in Helena, a small-town community where connections run deep. Whether we’re heading to the grocery store or dining at a local restaurant, we often ...
What is the immune system? The immune system works to keep germs and other foreign substances out of the body and destroy any that get in. It's made up of a complicated network of cells and organs. It ...