For even more ideas, our list of Goofy Comedy Movies to Watch with Tweens and Teens has plenty of funny picks and laugh-out-loud flicks that are perfect for kids of all ages to enjoy.
Carpenter Square Theatre is celebrating Women’s History Month with its latest production, Silent Sky, a play highlighting the ...
Spring is on the way. Our weekend event guide is packed with things to do in Pittsburgh from History Uncorked to The Thaw to ...
Back to the Future is one of cinema''s most iconic trilogies, because its movies hang together so well. Here are 10 things ...
It’s hard to explain what alternative comedy is in 2025 ... The audience is uneasy and silent until Jay finds the twist: “The real reason is I just don’t want to go back to taking dick.” ...
It’s not because there’s any shortage of great comedies out there—as a category, the film comedy has existed from pretty much the beginning. But although all lists, no matter how objective a ...
No, thank you, Disney+. (JK, I subscribed, NGL.) Here are the best teen comedy movies that you probably saw when you were in high school, but take it from me, they def still hold up today.
“The goal was to help the New York comedy community give back," Ganeless said of the ... Community Foundation and World Central Kitchen, according to Haverty. A silent auction supported a GoFundMe for ...
He experiments on his theatre audience, splicing Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee into Chaplin and Keaton films (the juxtaposition makes more sense with Chan, an avowed fan of silent comedy). Encouraged ...
A story getting a lot of buzz claims some big-name musicians have released a silent album. It's true. More than 1,000 musicians including Kate Bush, Tori Amos, and Annie Lennox have released an ...
Bonhoeffer' tells the story of a man who did not stay silent 'in the face of evil'. Director Todd Komarnicki told the Irish Examiner: “My entire experience in Limerick in every aspect was amazing.