Second Harvest Food Bank is a shining example of functional philanthropy, providing food to people who need it across south Louisiana. It does not define “need” with reference to religion or ...
They truly are our “silent senators” bowing down rather than representing the people of North Dakota and following the Constitution Richard Scharf is a resident of Fargo.
The current Republican administration, which feigned ignorance of Project 2025 prior to the election, is now fully engaged in implementing its agenda. There are several summaries of the document ...
Thankfully Gov. Shapiro just filed a lawsuit to unfreeze $2 billion in federal funds Congress already approved for Pennsylvania. What’s Dave McCormick done? Nothing. Hazleton City Council ...
Dear Editor: The latest moves from the deal maker in chief continue the theme of one outrageous stupidity after another. Just examining foreign affairs, and only within the same 48 hours, President ...
Why has Congressman John McGuire remained silent? Article I of the Constitution — especially section 9, clause 7 — clearly vests control over government spending with Congress, not the ...
Why are Reps. Mike Flood and Don Bacon helping to undermine traditional American values by being silent and thus complicit in Trump's political persecutions? The Republican congressional ...
The Democrats remind me of one our sons when he was in the second grade. Mrs. X was a strong ... Let us know in a letter to the editor of 200 words or less sent to [email protected].