Charity registration number: England and Wales 800065, Scotland SC046557 - Company number: England and Wales 2292601.
In our last blog post for the Migration Policy Unit we shared our new way of working as we endeavour to be inclusive and transparent in our policymaking process. In this blog we set out what our first ...
This briefing aims to provide local authorities with practical information to support residents on the 10-year route to settlement. The 10-year route to settlement is an immigration pathway for people ...
Find out more about the London Progression Collaboration and its plans to support the creation of new apprenticeships, boost progression and fill skills gaps in the capital here Migrant families ...
Apprenticeships have the potential to make a transformative difference to the lives of learners and to the skills and productivity of businesses, but this potential is not currently being realised.
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented disruption to schools and learners in England. There has been significant focus on ‘recovering’ the existing system but there is also an ...
The UK economy has had a split personality since the Great Recession, combining a record-strong labour market with historically low productivity growth. A solution to this ‘productivity puzzle’ has so ...
This report looks at the role of housing in rebalancing the economy. It analyses the differences between cities and regions, and assesses how short, medium and long-term housing trends can have a ...
As the number of maternal breadwinners continues to rise across Europe, this report compares the demographics of this phenomenon both across the continent and in Britain and Germany specifically, ...
The dust has settled on the Coalition's announcement of its Comprehensive Spending Review and, as the headlines fade, the ramifications of the government's cuts for different streams of public sector ...
Energised by highly visible, media-friendly issues of sexualisation and representation, new 'fourth-wave' feminism must not dismiss concerns of structural inequality as relics of a previous age.
This report demonstrates that, despite the significant challenges facing it, the northern powerhouse already has the seeds of a flourishing 21st-century economy. It now needs a coherent industrial ...